Deep South Pro Curls

Deep South Pro Curls

Deep South Pro Curls



SKU 107503-1 Categories , , , , , Tags ,


DEEP SOUTH – PRO-CURLS 4″ curly-tailed plastic jigs are a eye-catching and effective lure for targeting bass and other predatory fish. The combination of colors creates a striking contrast that is highly visible in both clear and murky water conditions. The curly tail enhances the lure’s action by producing lifelike movements and vibrations that mimic small prey, enticing fish to strike. This versatile jig can be rigged in various ways, including on a jig head, Texas rig, or Carolina rig, making it an essential addition to any angler’s tackle box for a wide range of fishing scenarios.

Additional information

Weight 1 lbs



Pink, Royal Blue, Watermelon Seed, Firetiger, Pearl, Chartreuse


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